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Digitalization through PNRR (National Recovery and Resilience Program)

Updated: Oct 15, 2022

Romania has allocated, through PNRR, the sum of 5.976 billion euros (over 20.5% of the total value), for digitalization and digital transformation.The PNRR structure includes 6 pillars, distributed in 15 components, it is budget oriented in an unequal way between its components.

Digitalization - according to the Gartner IT glossary, digitalization is defined as “the use of digital technologies to change a business model and provide new revenue and value-producing opportunities;is the process of moving to a digital business"
Digital transformation - is broader than just digitizing existing processes and involves considering how products, processes and organizations can be changed through the use of new digital technologies. A 2019 review proposes a definition of digital transformation as "a process that seeks to improve an entity by triggering significant changes in its properties through combinations of information, computing, communication and connectivity technologies". Digital transformation can be seen as a socio-technical program.
PNRR va permite transformarea digitală a societății romanești, prin  finanțarea infrastructurii  digitale, a  aplicatiilor software necesare digitalizării proceselor din cadrul  administratiei si a afacerilor, resprectiv printr-un amplu proces de instruire si formare profesionale in domeniul IT&C

Thus, among the 15 components, there are 4 prioritized components in the PNRR, which will finance projects aimed at digitization and digital transformation and which hold 4.834 billion euros, which represents over 80% of the total of 5.976 billion euros, put to the disposition of the administration and the economic environment in Romania:


Name compound

Allocated amount

Targeted aspects


Digital transformation

​1,81 billion euros

public sector reform, connectivity and cyber security.


​Help for the business environment, research, development and innovation

​1,06 billion euros

​support given to the business environment, with a view to digitization and digital transformation.



​1,1 billion euros

​reforms and investments for the digitization of the education process.


Sustainable transport

​864 million euros

intelligent traffic management, smart measures to reduce transport costs, training.

​All other components of PNRR ( ​C1, C2, C3, C5, C6, C8, C10, C11, C12, C13, C14) contain less than 1.136 billion euros, i.e. less than 20% of the funds intended for digitization and digital transformation.

PNRR will enable the digital transformation of Romanian society, by financing the design and development of the digital infrastructure, the software applications necessary for the digitization of the processes within the administration and the private business environment, respectively through an extensive training and professional training process in the IT&C field.

A description of the first four components aimed at the digital transition of the Romanian society through the instruments that contribute to digitization and digital transformation will be financed by PNRR, and will be described in the following posts.

Sursa: Ministerul Fondurilor Europene


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