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Improvement process monitoring of the activity of the StartUp that implements the Business Plan

Updated: Oct 15, 2022

Monitoring the implementation of the Business Plans (BP), is a responsibility of the Grant Administrator, through which the StartUp projects were financed.This process does not only involve checking the way of spending the budgeted money through the Business Plan, there are many aspects that must be checked, analyzed and validated by the Monitoring Expert / Mentor.

At the request of a group of Grant Administrators (eMIP users) who identified opportunities to improve the monitoring and reporting mechanism, the eMIP team went to work, implementing all these changes in a relatively short time.

Aspects targeted for improvement:

1. Reorganization of data collection fields in StartUp -> Business Plan -> PA Objectives & Activities and introduction of file filtering mechanism, according to the "PA Activity" field.

For a better display of the relevant information, the length of the fields in the PA Objectives & Activities table were changed and the "Estimated" and "Realized" fields were removed, for optimization, and the "PA Activity" and "PA Activity Description" fields were dynamically expanded. A filtering system has been added by entering the "Activity file" button

2. Entering the "Activity performed" table

3. Entering the information collected through the activity carried out, in the Company's activity report.

4. Restructuring of the information from the Company's activity report - section A. Technical reporting / 3. Human resources involved in the company's activities & personal file actions - collected in the Human Resources table,

We thank the users who contributed to these improvements, among them we would like to highlight the contribution of Mrs. Ligia NEACȘU from BEST SMART CONSULTING SRL



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